Monday, February 1, 2010

Kudos to my MIL and Friends

MIL is not short for Military! It's texting slang for Mother in Law. I am fortunate to have two beautiful ladies in my life. Hold your mother in law jokes, I do not find them funny. Well, most of them anyway!

This past year has been crazy. We have been through periods of feast and famine. I thank God that our family has the support system it does. Not only are we blessed with ample MIL's, we have friends and extended family that have come to our aid on more then one occasion. I have never been the strong religious type. I do believe in God. My belief has been strengthened since I've met and married my husband. He is strong, beautiful, courageous and comes from a generous and loving family.

Joe's Mom, Camp Grammy as we affectionately call her, will have Jenna over for the weekend. Jenna especially loves it when her Auntie comes to town and she can spend the weekend with Grammy, Auntie and her cousins. As soon as Jordan crosses the finish line of potty training, she will be able to go. It is a huge sigh of relief to have one of the two race cars out of the house. I believe you can throw money at a situation all day, but time is priceless. It is an infinite resource and worth much more then its weight in gold.

There have been times when I am standing in front of the freezer, hoping something will materialize for dinner. Our deposit does not hit for another few days and we can not stand another night of pancakes and eggs. Then the phone rings. I have a friend on the way over with two bags of leg quarters because they were on sale, and she thought of me. This is in addition to the pork her husband smoked over the weekend that she is sharing with us. This same friend, just last night, brought me 25pounds of flour. It was surplus from Christmas baking and they only used 5 cups from this huge bag. When in we are in need, we receive blessings from the most unexpected places. I have never been happier over a bag of flour.

Last week, some new friends of ours, invited the kids and I to dinner. I was having a particularly crazy day. The girls were up at an ungodly hour and have run me all day long. No naps, if you have been reading my blogs, you get the picture. As the phone was ringing, I was trying to set it ablaze with my stares. I hate the telephone. It is an awful contraption. I did not want to talk to another bill collector on top of everything else. But it was a dinner invitation. YAY!!! I love dinner invites. LOVE THEM. I get to spend a very needed night away from the house, with friends, whom I miss, girls get a play date and they can concentrate on someone else for a change, and there's food. I love food I don't have to prepare..don't you?

Thoughtful blessings from friends and gifts of time from family are immeasurable. I will never be able to repay what we have received. I wouldn't know how to begin to show the gratitude I feel. But I can bake. So, now that I am outfitted with flour, the girls and I will be spending this weekend knee deep in butter and sugar. We have thank yous to get out. The biggest decision is what to make.

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