Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Today's military has improved family support and has made leaps and bounds to be family friendly. Finally, the Armed Forces has realized there is more to a soldier then camouflage and weapons. There are people at home relying on the soldier. They understand, at long last, that a well supported soldiers family makes for a happier soldier. It used to be that the families were torn apart by deployment. When the military member left on deployment, they would hear nothing for months and months. Then either a letter directly from the soldier arrived in the mail, months after it was written, or a car pulled up in front of the house with a star on it and a General in it with bad news. The latter is the last kind of visit the family wants. I imagine every unexpected knock at the door was met with grief and dismay.

With technology today, keeping in touch is easier. Although it still has its challenges, contact is easier. Texting, cell phones, social sites that can be updated via text from the cell phone. Letters are a lost art. Still, nothing beats getting something in the mail that doesn't include a demand letter from some scum, bill collecting attorney. Forgive me as I digress.

Back to my point. My husband is on loan to the 690th MP Company out of Crystal River. However, he is home based here in Jacksonville. That means he is on temporary orders to Crystal River, which means WE are on orders to Crystal River. Here is my delima. I know the ropes here. I have a couple of numbers on speed dial if I need them. I can go to a number of bases here, if I need to. I know where to go and who to see. Crystal River is a different story. The wives attached to the 690th out of Crystal River have their speed dials, their contacts, their bases and support groups, in Crystal River. Where does that leave me? Sure I have access to the medical facilities and legal offices. But not the people.

I like people. I hate the home phone. It is a hateful contraption. A huge time waster. I definately prefer people. You can get answers from the right people. Automated phone trees have no answers. As I prepare for the upcoming deployment, I have become painfully aware of just out of place I feel. I am used to being in control of things. I control my kids, my laundry, the groceries and our money. I keep trying to control my husband but continually fail. One day I'll learn. I can't control the Army. No use even trying. So here I am in Jacksonville, Fla and all the other wives that I am supposed to band together with are in Crystal River, near Tampa. They will have their get togethers, they have their babysitting networks, they will have their girls night out, without me. I like socializing with people in the same position I am in. They understand.

I have one friend whose husband is the spouse that is left behind when she deploys. So my deployment social network has one member. I have another friend whose husband was deployed and she went with him. Four years in Hawaii. Not sure how objective that support group can be.

I feel disconnected from the other wives in my husbands unit. That is a hurdle I will not be able to over come. They all live so far away. However, I do have my own little support group here, my little social network of one. So, while I try to get a grip on how I can connect with families like mine, I will rely on my extended friends who have become my family. In an effort to not wear them out, I started this blog. I can clear the que in my head, update friends and family, and stay in touch with my husband with the touch of one button.

Modern technology rocks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just somehow stumbled upon your blog. I'm not entirely sure how, but I thought I'd respond to this post. At any rate, the Family Assistance Center folks at Camp Blanding are outstanding. I know it's not technically Jacksonville, but it's pretty close. I actually work for a company that works with the military, and we do a lot with Family Programs on special events and stuff like that. If you're a people person, I'd recommend utilizing them as a resource. They're local, and they might even be able to put you in contact with some other wives that might be in Jacksonville too.

    Just thought I'd try to help!

