Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kids and Cursing

OK funny story. This happened a few months ago, but the ramifications of it resurfaced this morning on the way to daycare.

We all have these moments of "OOPS". Some of mine are harmless, others are not. Most of mine involve my mouth. Those of you who know me, well or at all, have probably been subject to my mouth at one point to another. Some things that escape the safety of my lips sting, other things cause eye rolling from the intended recipient, other stuff reminds me I live with tiny sponges and I need to watch it.

The good thing about the relationship between me and my mouth is that I understand it. I have no problem apologizing for stuff I say. I can't help that I blurt. My husband tells me I am missing the filter between my brain and my tongue. Most people have one...it sits on the brain stem and is very predominate. Not me. I have come to terms that I was born with this birth defect and move on. Thank God I have found the only man on Earth blessed with the patience to handle me. Remind me to tell you the story about a cell phone that kept going off in a movie we went to. God made a very smart move when he blessed me with a generous, very patient and very large husband.

I talk to traffic. It is a well documented fact that everyone I share the road with needs remedial driving lessons. They drive me nuts. There is a list of driving behaviors I have had to curb since the girls came along. The list includes, but is not limited to: No longer can I wave Hello with the international sign of peace involving my middle finger. Sticking my tongue out is not acceptable. Shouting at the car in front of me to go faster sets a bad example of how to get along in the world. Pounding on the steering wheel teaches aggression.

Here's my OOPS Moment. We were in the family room watching TV. Joe sometimes forgets he's an adult and he will pick at the kids. This particular day, Jenna was sitting on the couch next to him. They were snuggling, having Daddy Daughter time. Well, I guess he got bored with TV and begin poking Jenna in the side and/or in the arm. Repeatedly. Each time she would say "Stop Daddy", "Daddy, quit", etc. After about ten minutes of warnings, she looked at him square in the eye, pursed her lips and said "Daddy you are p_____ing me off". That split second I didn't know how to feel. Was I embarrassed? I knew she had learned that from me. Was I horrified? How could my little angel use such language? Was I proud? I mean after all, she used the word correctly and executed it with military precision.

I went with embarrassed, horrified and added disappointment in myself. I know she got this word from my driving. (If the other drivers would just take those remedial classes my life would be so much easier). If she can use this language at home....she will use it in front of others. This is where the horrified came into play. She used this word in front of my mother.

We were in the car, of course, and I was telling my mother about someone or something I had issues with. I can not go into details of that, because quite frankly, there are so many issues I have, it would be hard to choose. Anywho, I was talking, just rambling to Mom, in the car, and I paused to breathe. From the back seat Jenna interjects "Because it p___ed you off?"

This morning, after I dropped Justin off at High School, this car sped up and cut me off. Well, my lack of filter kicked in. Jenna repeats what I said. "He's a jacka___?"

That did it. I'm hiring a driver and buying duct tape, for myself, in bulk. I'm getting better. We point out to Jenna when she uses Mommy words, they they are wrong and why, but we do not make a big deal out of it. I don't want to teach her those words will generate attention. She is our resident Drama Queen. I know I'm supposed to lead by example and I am trying. The last thing I need is her talking like a Merchant Marine. She's only Four!


  1. You have the best blogs ever! My favorite is the Patience blog and the Kids and Cursing blog. It's 4am and I've never been so entertained in all my life. LOL!

  2. You really should consider writing a book of some sort. It will sell!
