Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Suck It Up MARINE!!

The girls and I have been sick this last week. Yes, over the Mothers Day Weekend.

We have had our first delve into TriCare. Hold on and try to stay with me. I am about to unload a tangent so big you may get a headache. Jenna comes home sick from daycare on Thursday with a low grade fever and cough. Jordan was fine until midnight when she gets sick and up comes her dinner. So two girls with coughs, fevers, and runny noses. Both need cuddling. Both need medications. Both need cleaning up after. Neither could do this at reasonable hours. Too bad you can't put illness on a schedule. OK You...from 3 pm to 6 pm is when you can feel bad. OK You...from 6:30pm to 9:30pm is your turn to feel bad. Even though you guys get to stay home tomorrow, I have to get up and go to work in the morning. Since my Mom is staying with me and I don't want to wear her out, I try not to call on her for every little thing. So I let her sleep since she was going to get the girls on Friday.

Over the weekend the girls showed signs of improvement and then I get sick on Mother's Day. To make a really long story short, I went to the Accute Care Clinic in the Naval Hospital on Monday. I was in and out and back home in just over an hour with medications! I was impressed.

When I picked the girls up from day care on Tuesday, Jordan looked like a limp rag. She had begun feeling bad again over the course of the day. Her face was flushed and droopy, nose all runny. Poor thing had been run over, twice, by a mean bad bug. So I cart her and her sister off to the Accute Care Clinic to make sure nothing serious is lingering. Since I had two in tow, I made appointments. The night before went really well and I didn't have an appointment. I got to see a doctor who I felt knew what she was talking about. I had high expectations for the girls visits. That is why I had no hesitation to appointments at 7:20 pm and 7:40 pm. OH if only I had known.

We get there on time. We check in. We wait...and wait...and wait...and wait. When we were finally called back, the girls had their vitals taken. Temp, blood pressure etc. We were sent back out to the waiting room. 3 other people went back then came back out. 45 to 50 minutes have passed since our appointment time. We get called back. We see this man older then the cheese in my fridge. If he were any slower, he would be moving in reverse. He was hard of hearing so he kept saying "I'm sorry, what?". What I would have given for a marker and paper to make flash cards for him to read. Over two hours later and tests for strep, we get a diagnosis of "it's viral and needs to run it's course". This is where I get my bitchy britches on. (that's what Joey calls it when I've had it) We've been here for two hours and I walk out with nothing for my babies to feel better? Are you kidding? The girls have come unglued. They felt bad and were tired. My kids are used to going to bed at 8:00 pm sharp. We looked like one of those groups where the mother is frazzled, the kids are loud and obnoxious, and you look at them with the "What in hell kind if mother are you?" look on your face. Yeah..that was us. Lesson learned? I will make appointments during the day at the regular pediatrician so we're not competing for medical care with true emergencies.

I ended up taking Jordan back to the on base pediatrician Wednesday morning. She woke up with a bloody nose. She had spent the entire night before crying out in discomfort so she didn't get any sleep and because we share a room right now...I didn't sleep. You know you love your kids when you grab a flashlight at 3:00 am to look for her favorite Cinderella figurine she has to have for comfort and you're not even thinking about the closest sharp object.

This last visit went really well, once I got there. I didn't understand the directions on how to get to this office in the hospital. I parked on the complete other side of the building. Keep in mind I'm battling a respiratory infection myself. So here I am trucking my 35 pound limp daughter through the hospital to get to the appointment on time but I get lost. I arrive at the office with the assistance of a doctor who just happened to be going my way. I'm gasping for air and coughing like a 4 pack a day smoker. The office personnel at the front desk kept asking me if I'm OK. I coughed yes. I broke down from exhaustion during Jordan's office visit and cried. Turns out she is sensitive to the allergins this time of year. Hopefully with the antibiotic she was prescribed she'll feel better soon.

I was taught in the Marines to Suck it Up and push on. To adapt and overcome. That's what military wives learn to do. There is no such thing as a sick day for a single mom.

One Month Down...Eleven To Go!

One of the pitfalls of being a military wife is the single parenting involved. Unless you have a live in cook, nanny, chauffer, personal assistant, gardener, and maid, all these tasks are yours and yours alone. I did hire a housekeeper, which I LOVE. The company actually sends out two ladies. I will post about the conversations they have later. My Mom tells me some interesting stuff about the converstions the ladies have amongst themselves on housekeeper day. So now, I plan on leaving booby traps for them. Give them some stuff to really talk trash about.

We eat on the cheap the week our housekeeper comes but it is worth the sacrifice. Although, they are surprisingly affordable. I love coming home from work every other week and the house is super clean. Then 10 minutes later, it's trashed again. So for 10 minutes every other week, I get to enjoy what other houses must look like all the time. ;P I try to close my eyes and pretend the kids have taken their backpacks to their rooms, put their shoes in their closets, and their clothes are not strewn from the front door to the back of the house. This would qualify as my Calgon moment since I don't have time to actually soak in a tub. What is it with kids shedding every stitch they have on when they get home? Or is it just my kids? HM.......

The Army has granted the girls a scholarship for their gymnastics lessons while Joey is activated. Nice little benefit of military life. A couple lessons ago, they were working the uneven bars. The preschool age group, on the uneven bars, just dangle. They're too little to swing and sway and flip on the uneven bars, but they can take dangling to a whole new level of cute.

Jordan got to spend the weekend at Camp Grammy for the first time this month. You can't beat that as a reward to crossing the potty training finish line! NO MORE DIAPERS! My current favorite three little words, since Joey isn't here to pat my rear and say I love you. Jordan no longer requires Pull Ups, even when she sleeps. This has been a mile stone Joey and I have been looking forward to. And the first milestone he's missed due to his deployment.

I know deployment means Joey will miss milestones and events. In just the one month since I dropped him off, he's missed our 6th Anniversary and Mother's Day. Justin has embarked upon his Eagle Scout rank. This is an achievement boys must earn before they turn 18. Justin will be 18 in July. WOW! that sounds so weird out loud. Anywho, Joey and I met when Justin was almost 9. He jumped right in and was an active participant in Justins scouting activities, from the beginning. So Justin is busting his hump to get his project finished so Joey can see Justins scouting come full circle. If all goes as planned, Justin will be completely finished with his project and if council signs off on the paperwork, we can have the ceremony the two days Joey is home before he begins his year overseas.

I hope through this blog, Facebook, Twitter, My Space, Skype, texting, pictures in the mail, pictures over the phone, care packages, and phone calls we can keep up with each other. My hopes are to have him home without being a stranger in the house.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Does NOT Come From a Bottle

I am a natural blond. I do not color my hair in any way shape or form. Not because I'm some kind of naturalist hippy or lack vanity. I'm broke. I have two in daycare, one in high school and a husband who has been out of a job for over a year. I would LOVE to spend a day getting my hair done, manicure, pedicure, massage. AAHHH I used to do those things. Now I go to the Hair Cuttery, which I've grown fond of by the way, and spend $15 on a cut. I'm OK with that. To get a massage I have to lay on the floor and hope one of the kids will pounce on me. Mani/Pedi? Forget about it. I would rather spend my money on the kids anyway. I enjoy seeing them get tickled over new outfits or some trinket from the dollar store.

Well, the time has come for Joey to come home for a couple days before actually being shipped off for a year. So it falls on me to make his travel arrangements. Easy enough assignment. This I can handle. So I hit the Internet looking for deals. FYI...what I finally spent on tickets is no deal in my book. Man do the airlines know how to stick it to ya. Now with this fee and that fee? That's a whole 'nother rant for a whole 'nother posting. I need to keep focused on the topic at hand.

First our search starts with a google on "Airline tickets". OK. Search results finally settled on a number so stinking big I shut my browser, turned off my computer, curled up under the computer desk, in a fetal position. How are you supposed to choose a reputable establishment from all this? So, I default to looking at company names I see on TV. When I get overwhelmed with this kind of thing, I just pick something that sounds familiar. I do not have the patience to shop. My wardrobe is testament to that. So, Expedia wins. I need to give them a shameless plug here. It was easy breezy booking a flight with them. For a round trip ticket I was first offered several departure times, then they offered arrival times. They didn't lump them together like a couple of other sites I went to. Also, it saved me from going to each and every airline website and doing the same search repeatedly.

I started stressing out about his departure time from Texas and his arrival time to Florida. He can't leave too late in the day from Texas because the Army is dropping the guys off according to the earliest flight out, which is about 6am. That would put them arriving at the airport before 5am. No matter what time their booked flights leave, all soldiers get to the airport at the same time. Also, (I know this from experience) no matter what time soldiers get to the airport, they head straight to the bar. Yes, you can get a beer, at the airport at OH Dark Thirty.

Here is where the blond moments begins. I can't book his departure from Texas too early because that would make his arrival in Florida too early. I have to coordinate picking him up from the airport with what time I get off work. I don't have the leave time to be take off work on his arrival day ... so I'm trying to make sure he gets to Florida later in the afternoon so I don't need to take any time off from work. It is a delicate balance so neither one of us is inconvenienced. So my friend at work got sucked into my drama and was offering advice. You would think she would catch on not to pop into my office when she can hear the high-speed clicking of the keyboard.

Between the two of us we decide the best plan was to book him an early flight out of Texas and park his car at the airport overnight. I could FedEx his keys to him with a map to his truck. It would be like a mini Pirate Treasure Hunt with a vehicle at the end!! Problem solved right? I was so excited that travel plans were made, tickets bought, he had transportation from the airport. Yeah. We have Monday the 31st off from's a flippin Federal Holiday.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

1st Weekend

This past week went well. We stuck to our routine and was pretty uneventful. The girls and I were able to speak to Joey. It was a very much needed connection. However, Jenna wasn't happy her turn was over and cried, cried, cried.

The Hub is looking forward to his four day break in a few weeks. If all goes as planned, Justin will be finished with his Eagle Project and we can have his Eagle Rank Ceremony while Joey is home. Justin was 8.5 when I started dating Joe, and the rank ceremony just wouldn't be the same without him.

I was looking forward to the weekend going as smoothly as the week did. Yeah...that didn't happen. My Aunt turned 60 and my cousin threw her a surprise birthday party.

It was the best fun we've had in a while. Cake decorating is a hobby of mine so I agreed to a cake for 100 people. It was a Hawaiian themed party and I finally settled on a volcano cake.

This is my latest creation complete with a smoking effect:

Yes folks...this is what a Chocolate Fudge smoking volcano looks like. It was a huge hit and I make a connection with a distant relative who does cake too. She is where I want to be in the cake decorating business. I'm ready to level up and learn some new stuff. I have exceeded the Wilton basic cake decorating and am ready to learn more.

The girls were off the chain this weekend. Loud, fast and unentertainable. It's not all their fault. I was consumed with getting the cake done and was not dispensing the mommmy love they were seeking. I thank goodness the party was on Sunday. I needed the entire day on Saturday to do what needed doing. I was up to my elbows making buttercream and fondant. My mom did the best she could to keep up with them, but she has limited mobility right now. She is still recovering from hip replacement surgery and is staying with me to recoup. However, I would have been completely lost without her this weekend. Mom is skilled at running interference and making PPJ's.

By the time Sunday dinner rolled around, the seams that keep me sane came unraveled. I was exhausted and my back hurt really bad. The noise level in the house had hit an all time high. Jordan was wanting to streak in the worse way, Jenna was wrestling the couch, chocolate milk was spilled and the table cloth wound up crumpled up under the table. I needed to get them fed so I could get them in bed. I had kids going in so many directions we needed a traffic cop. I did catch a small break by not having to cook dinner. There was so much food at the party we were made to bring home leftovers. YAY!! Left overs from a party rank right up there with being invited to dinner. I love love love meals I do not have to prepare.

Jordan, due to playing at the table, knocked her plate on the floor. Meatballs, green beans and mac n cheese everywhere. As I helped her out of her chair, to lift her over the mess, I lost my balance and dropped her. She landed right square on the corner of the door frame. She cried cried cried. She now has a goose egg on the side of her head. I gave her Tylenol to help with the headache she is surely going to have in the AM.

That was after Jenna rammed her head on the corner of the entertainment center. She likes to wrestle my furniture. I don't know why she does that. So my poor little girls look like they were in a bar brawl. They have skinned knees from falling in the drive way. They do not walk any where. It's full throttle run everywhere they go. I am thankful that I have a daycare provider that takes all this in stride. When I take them to her on Monday Morning, they get a once over, she smiles and says, "Busy weekend?" I don't know too many moms that pick up their kids on Friday in pristine condition and return them on Monday looking like they were the title prize fighters in a match over the weekend. I just know if I had the girls in a commercial day care, I would get the authorities called on me in the AM.

Bed time came early, the house breathed a sigh of relief, as it does every night at bed time.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

And Yeeeerrrrr Outta Here!!!!!!

Before I get started on my current tribulation, I have a cutie update. The girls dispense the cute faster then I can remember to write this stuff down. If batteries weren't so expensive I could keep a tape recorder going non stop.

My 3 year old, on the way home from gymnastics, informed me that her butt hurt. So, in an effort to keep her busy while we were trapped in the truck for the commute home, I asked a series of questions.

Jordan: My butt hurts!
Me: Why?
Jordan: It hurts.
Me: Did you fall on it?
Jordan: No.
Me: Does it itch?
Jordan: No.
Me: Did someone smack it?
Jordan: No.
Me: OK....I'm sorry. I'll take a look when we get home.
Jordan: Mom?
Me: Yes?
Jordan: Watching Dora will make my butt feel better.

Yup...that's my little master manipulator. Turns out, Dora is a cure for just about everything from Boo Boo's to Boredom.

This weekend was spent delivering my most special package to the Army. The road trip itself was uneventful. We reached our destination and checked into the hotel the Army recommended. This did not go well.

I am a picky traveler. One of my biggest issues is with hotels. They creep me out. I am way more particular then I need to be about stuff. I own that. However, when you check into a hotel and open the door to your assigned room, it should NOT smell like a wet dog that has bad foot odor, smoking a cigarette. Call me crazy, that's just how I feel about it. Every time one of those news journalism shows comes on TV, exposing hotels, Joey takes command of the remote and refuses to let me watch it. So, in an effort to keep my chin up, and not be difficult, we unloaded the truck. I wanted Joeys last few hours with us to be positive and upbeat. I really did.

An hour and a tantrum later, we pack the truck and move out. The longer I was in this room, the more I felt I needed a tetanus shot. Aside from the offensive odor, the furniture was caked with filth, I couldn't make myself get near the bed. It was like when you try to get the two positive sides of magnets to get near each other. It just wasn't happening. The property itself was in disrepair, cobwebs and exposed structure beams everywhere. The locals for a $5 fee can use the pool, which isn't an issue if they would leave their dogs home.

I raised such a ruckus in the hotel lobby, they did not give me any grief about leaving. (Joey sat in the truck) Quite frankly, I think they were glad to see me go. Sometimes being loud and abrasive has its' advantages. Folks like me do not take being told NO too lightly. Luckily, we found accommodations just right up the road at a national chain for the same room rate. I was in HEAVEN when we opened the door and lemony freshness filled my being.

I think my four year old is a Xerox Copy of me. During our stay over the weekend, the nasty place was in our path of travel to and from the Army Unit my husband is assigned to. My 4 year old would point it out every single time we passed it and comment on it. Poor Joey, he is now blessed with two of us to contend with!

Once we were settled in our new hotel , the rest of the weekend went very well. While Joey was at the unit doing Army stuff, the girls and I were left to our own devices. It was nice spending the day with them. We walked to the water and watched fish. We walked up and down docks and looked at boats. We walked up the roadside to look at the woods and streams. It was really nice! Jenna called it an adventure.

On Sunday it was time to go. After the Deployment Ceremony, we ate lunch, then took Joey to his room the Army put him up in. Yes, it was at the nasty place. However, this room was in way better shape then our original room. No matter, this place will always be equivalent to Joe's Apartment (it's a movie HILARIOUS). I delayed our leaving until the girls got a good final visit and a little rough housing. I needed them to be really tired for the ride home so they would sleep. Mission accomplished. No tears upon departure. Just snoozing all the way home.

The only real issue I had with the girls is when we got home. Jenna busted out a crying fit when she realized her Daddy was not there. It was like it hit her all at once. So I sat with her and cuddled for about 20 minutes, door wide open and the 3 year old darting back and forth in the room. Jenna was fine after that. She keeps confirming that Daddy is at the Army and the Army needs him.

We will be OK!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Time Flies

YAY!! Daddy is home from training. The girls couldn't be happier.

He has been home now for about a month. What a crazy flipping month this has been!! Between getting readjusted to Joe being home, the fear of Daddy leaving again and my new Pampered Chef venture, I haven't had time for anything extra.

Jenna (4) treated Joe's coming home as just another day. She is happy he is home and elated her kisses and cuddles at night have resumed. I am surprised her reaction was so uneventful. Her whole attitude was "Great Daddy is home...can I go outside?" Given her propensity for drama, I just expected her to be clingy. Not the case. Jordan (3) on the other hand is. If he goes out front for a smoke, she will stand at the door and whine until he comes back inside. She finds it unsettling if he runs to the store or she loses track of him for a minute.

While Joe was away for training, it was unusual for her to come in our room in the wee hours of the morning. Now he's home and it's a daily occurrence. She feels it necessary to check to make sure he is there. I don't mind the early visits and the crawl into bed, if she didn't to the fish out of water dance. If you have kids, you know what I am referring to. This morning Jordan came in for her judicially scheduled bed check. She likes to cuddle and talk to him about whatever a three year old can talk about. Lately, it's been about his missing hair.

This morning she expressed concern about the bad man and she didn't want him to leave for the Army. They discussed his leaving for a while. Joe reassured her that when he leaves for the Army he always comes back and that everything will be OK. I pray for that outcome. Jordan has mentioned the bad man on more then one occasion. I don't know how to explain bad men to a three year old.

We have hit the half way mark in his time home between training and leaving. The children are handling this well, so far. The baby seems more concerned about his leaving then her older sister does. Jenna seems to understand that the Army needs him and is OK with it. She is sharp as a tack. Jordan is my little mama, she nurtures the wounded and cuddles the sick. I worry that she will miss him immensely when he goes. It will be a challenge for me to keep them both busy enough to keep them distracted. I plan on getting a season pass to the zoo and I will be taking the girls camping for the first time as soon as it warms. It will go fast. I pray that the time will fly.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Dissenters and Anonymity

I've been publicly blogging since January 8, 2010. This month has solidified the fact that perception is reality. There are people that may read my postings and take them at face value. If anyone reads my postings and digests them literally, I can see where they would get heartburn. I am abrasive and accept that. My husband finds that attribute admirable, although hard to swallow sometimes. I am aware that some folks do not agree with nor understand my sense of humor. Of those that do not agree, they can be harsh and judgmental. I blog with my real name and have nothing to hide. I try to depict my day to day as realistic as possible. I had a dissenter hide behind anonymity and leave a malicious comment. I chose not to publish that comment because it was cruel. I have no problem with opposing points of view. I do have a problem with garish brutality.

My family is happy, healthy, intact and functional. My husband and I are two pieces of a puzzle that fit very well together. We share everything, responsibilities, frustrations, financial burdens, chores and a very strong bond. Dissenters can judge and leave negative comments if they choose. But I will not publish mean comments left just for the sake of being mean.

I am used to my husband and I sharing everything. Suddenly, I must handle everything by myself. My world has been thrown off balance and I am learning to deal with it. With his day to day absence, I cope by finding humor in my situation and blogging. Writing my frustrations down helps me clear my head. It provides me an outlet in which to let go of tensions built up during my day. My husband fills that role when he is home. When he is not home, I need an outlet and have chosen to reach out to those who may be in my situation and can relate. I reserve the right to denounce dissenters and call them out. I recognize that they have opinions, and like feet, everyone has a couple, and on occasion they stink.

However, good comments, bad comments I don't care. I am just pleased as punch I have readers other then my friends and family!

Apology to the Scum Sucking Attorney

I would like to refer to my last post in which I readily admitted I may not know what I was talking about.

So, once again, my inner Drama Queen rears her ugly head and my mouth runneth over. One day I will learn to control my knee jerk reactions. It takes almost nothing to get me riled up. The lien we received in the mail was filed in court in the event we sued a third party. Shands Gainesville apparently does this as protocol in accident cases. This ensures they receive their "cut" and get paid. Good plan for cost recovery! I wonder if those little liens can be filed by just anyone for stuff. I have a friend that owes me $20. I will look into that.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Scum Sucking Attorney

I am no attorney. Nor do I claim to be one. So if I make any statements that sound as though I don't know what I'm talking about, chances are, I may not know what I'm talking about. I am unfamiliar with the laws governing what hospitals can and can't do. I do know I am ticked. Real ticked.

I also know that my husband was in a military related bus accident a week ago. That is seven days. The hospital has filed A Claim of Lien against our house. Our copy arrived in the mail today. How is that possible? This attorney probably didn't even wait until the wrecker had the bus upright. This attorney was probably at the court house in front of the judge before my husband was even discharged. I bet this attorney saw the news feeds and had the paperwork all ready to go while they were still pulling soldiers from the wreckage.

Shands Gainesville never even billed us. How do they justify a lien of $10,408 against our house within a week of the accident? How can we be held accountable for a bill that we have never even laid eyes on? How can we be held accountable for a bill that we haven't been afforded a chance to challenge? I mean, my husband is in the military preparing for deployment and was in an accident. How can this scum sucking, bill collector attorney sleep at night? No phone calls were placed to me, no letters, no nothing. Just a Claim of Lien. This scum sucking attorney is holding a piece of our house hostage. It isn't right. Aren't there procedures?

The Claim of Lien isn't even the issue. It is the ease in which this scum sucking attorney got the lien. Am I to believe that anyone, anywhere can file a lien against a house if they feel they are owed money? How frightening is that? No notifications of any kind, just your copy in the mail. There are no judgments against me from the hospital. I NEVER GOT A BILL. There were no phone calls placed to me regarding my husband and the status of his insurance. He has coverage through the military. Just a lien. That's it. That's all we received.

In all fairness, the insurance information was provided to the hospital and I understand Tricare did not approve the claim. Some kind of glitch on their end. With Washington DC being pounded by a blizzard, there is nobody available to help sort this out. I know once DC workers can dig out and return to work, we can get this resolved. In reality, a lien isn't a big deal. As soon as the military approves the claim, we will receive a Satisfaction, which will remove our obligation. However, taking legal action so soon seems unreasonable.

Sadomasochism and Me

Sa-do-mas-och-ism: the derivation of pleasure from the infliction of physical or mental pain either on others on oneself. ~Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.

I've heard this word from time to time during my many years on Earth. I'm not one for inflicting physical or mental pain. I certainly do not enjoy inflicting either one on anybody. Unless you talk to my teenager. He thinks every time I ask him to mow the lawn or rake the leaves I'm delving out some medieval form of punishment. OK that I do enjoy.

I can't come down on him too hard. He is taking very good care of me in my husbands absence. I am blessed with a child who does good in school, hangs around the kind of kids I won't mind him bringing to the house and is extremely good at keeping up his chores. He jumps on the dishes after dinner, takes out the garbage and will straighten up the playroom/living room when he's had enough of the princess wands and dolls lying around. With the exception of anything that requires a distance of more then 10' feet and 20 minutes away from his World of Warcraft game, he gives me very little grief. I just have to suit up before I ask him to go outside.

I am trying to be the kind of Mom the kids like. I am striving to set aside my Marine Corps training and treat them like the tiny humans they are. I find that when I bark orders and I get blank looks plastered across their faces. Is it confusion? Is it fear? Are they trying to see how long they can stand there before I start going "Drill Instructor" on them?

I try to reason with them. "Ladies, let's get ready for dinner". I say this with a June Cleaver kinda voice, smile on my face, all I am missing is the pearls. They stand there, still, frozen in time. Or they turn and bolt. That's my favorite thing they do, turn and run. If you ever want to see what loud looks like up close and personal, turn and run from me. My hands flail in the air, nostrils wide open, and my mouth is at full speed and volume is pumped up. This is what the "Drill Instructor" looks like. All the while, the little people are running and laughing and dodging me. Oh yeah, they are having a good time.

Joey comes home Saturday. He has been in training for 40 days. My Mom is being discharged from the hospital where she had hip replacement surgery. I have agreed to pick her up. My Pampered Chef consultant buddy is scheduled to come over that morning as well, so we can practice doing a party as consultants. My daughters are having a friend spend the night. The friend is five. I've asked her parents to stay for dinner. In addition, my cousin is coming over for a play date with her little boy who is almost two. All on Valentine's Day Weekend!

I'm not sure if I've inflicted physical pain or mental pain upon myself. Whatever it is, I'm enjoying it. Maybe sadomasochism isn't all bad. As long as you enjoy the company of friends and family. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Patience - A virtue to learn

It is said that patience is a virtue. As true as that is for most folks, that is not the case with me. Patience is something my husband tells me to ask God for. Well, it must be on back order because I have yet to receive it. I am quick tempered with a short fuse. I blurt before I think. I issue knee jerk reactions before considering the ramifications. I am very skilled at apologies. It has become an art form. However, when it comes to children, a million apologies can not undo one harsh word. Something I am learning to get a grip on. Again my mouth can runneth over.

My father would tell people that he gave the USMC his only baby girl and they returned a trained killer. Tattoo and all. When at USMC bootcamp, they drilled in my head to respond to commands without thinking. I was to jump without asking how high. Because I was so highly trained the height of the jump is a given, I should know how high. SO JUST JUMP MARINE! My children are not Marines. They want to know not only the height of the jump but why they have to jump. They want to know how to jump and what they will be doing once they jump. Where do all these questions come from? Holy cow. Don't they get that by the time they get done asking all these questions, they could have been finished with the jump and on their way to other things? Jimminey Christmas people.

Joe has only been gone for a month so far. I look forward to his return from training. He gets some time at home before the jumps the puddle to Afghanistan. This time away from him has been long enough to get a taste of what deployment will be like. I can tell you, I am not a fan of being away from the father of my children. He is my buffer. He is nurturing and offers compassion. He kisses the owies and mends hurt feelings. He can endure the whining children do when they feel bad and/or need that extra bit of comfort. We are two completely different kinds of parents.

If they are not bleeding or projectile vomiting with a fever, they go to school. They fall down, I expect them to get up and walk it off. They run into a wall or bump into a door, if there's no blood, I pat them on the head and tell them to shake it off. I don't settle skirmishes, I send people to their rooms until they calm down. Like Bill Cosby would say, I do not want justice, I want quiet.

I noticed last night, I had resorted to yelling at the little people, instead of speaking to them in a conversational tone. I know I don't have to yell. They hear just fine. However, the moment we walk in the door, the demands begin. I want juice. What's for dinner? I hafta go potty. I haven't even put my purse down yet. While trying to prepare dinner, Jordan forgets to go pee and puddles on the floor. When my husband is home, he can offer a diversion so I can change and breathe. He is very adept to tending to these demands and enjoys doing it. He is not here. I have to learn to balance my full time job, all three children, the bills, the groceries, and the ache I feel when he's away.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Today's military has improved family support and has made leaps and bounds to be family friendly. Finally, the Armed Forces has realized there is more to a soldier then camouflage and weapons. There are people at home relying on the soldier. They understand, at long last, that a well supported soldiers family makes for a happier soldier. It used to be that the families were torn apart by deployment. When the military member left on deployment, they would hear nothing for months and months. Then either a letter directly from the soldier arrived in the mail, months after it was written, or a car pulled up in front of the house with a star on it and a General in it with bad news. The latter is the last kind of visit the family wants. I imagine every unexpected knock at the door was met with grief and dismay.

With technology today, keeping in touch is easier. Although it still has its challenges, contact is easier. Texting, cell phones, social sites that can be updated via text from the cell phone. Letters are a lost art. Still, nothing beats getting something in the mail that doesn't include a demand letter from some scum, bill collecting attorney. Forgive me as I digress.

Back to my point. My husband is on loan to the 690th MP Company out of Crystal River. However, he is home based here in Jacksonville. That means he is on temporary orders to Crystal River, which means WE are on orders to Crystal River. Here is my delima. I know the ropes here. I have a couple of numbers on speed dial if I need them. I can go to a number of bases here, if I need to. I know where to go and who to see. Crystal River is a different story. The wives attached to the 690th out of Crystal River have their speed dials, their contacts, their bases and support groups, in Crystal River. Where does that leave me? Sure I have access to the medical facilities and legal offices. But not the people.

I like people. I hate the home phone. It is a hateful contraption. A huge time waster. I definately prefer people. You can get answers from the right people. Automated phone trees have no answers. As I prepare for the upcoming deployment, I have become painfully aware of just out of place I feel. I am used to being in control of things. I control my kids, my laundry, the groceries and our money. I keep trying to control my husband but continually fail. One day I'll learn. I can't control the Army. No use even trying. So here I am in Jacksonville, Fla and all the other wives that I am supposed to band together with are in Crystal River, near Tampa. They will have their get togethers, they have their babysitting networks, they will have their girls night out, without me. I like socializing with people in the same position I am in. They understand.

I have one friend whose husband is the spouse that is left behind when she deploys. So my deployment social network has one member. I have another friend whose husband was deployed and she went with him. Four years in Hawaii. Not sure how objective that support group can be.

I feel disconnected from the other wives in my husbands unit. That is a hurdle I will not be able to over come. They all live so far away. However, I do have my own little support group here, my little social network of one. So, while I try to get a grip on how I can connect with families like mine, I will rely on my extended friends who have become my family. In an effort to not wear them out, I started this blog. I can clear the que in my head, update friends and family, and stay in touch with my husband with the touch of one button.

Modern technology rocks.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Visiting Daddy

REJOICE ... we were able to score a visit and deliver cookies. I bake to alleviate stress. Today marks the one month mark he has been in training. We have a week to go and I am ready for him to come home. Being a single parent stinks. God Bless those who do it full time..all the time.

I think it's better then best that he is training local. My hubby is on loan to the unit from Tampa. Just so happens his home base is the Army training post here at home. So, what's the big deal? All the other soldiers in my husbands unit have their families scattered throughout Florida and must wait the whole 40 days to see their families. When the accident happened and now while he recovers, I get to go see him on post. It takes me no time to get there. Even if the visit is short, it's worth the trip.

He did have to go back to medical on Saturday. Turns out his wrist is fractured. He has been having migrains. I hope the migrains are temporary. Those things are awful to have.

The girls got to see their Daddy "at the Army" finally. Curiosity has been eating these two little sponges alive. Where is Daddy? Why can't he come home? Where is he? So when I got the opportunity to take them out there, I took advantage of it. We get there, it's after dark. We arrive on post, drive to his barracks and they leap from their car seats and out of the truck when they realize Daddy was walking our way. He has this unmistakable swagger you can see in the dark. It was a great visit. The girls got to see where Daddy sleeps, they got to see the bathrooms (I took them in the girls of course), they visited the chow hall. He took us on a short walk around the immediate area surrounding the barracks. Both girls were elated to see their Daddy. The couple times he's been home, the visits have been short, teasers really, as was this visit. We were able to visit long enough for the girls to see Daddy, where he was and where he slept.

Loading them in the truck to leave did not go smoothly. All would have been fine had Jenna not started to cry. When she started to quiver the lip and whimper, then Jordan joined in. Before I knew it I had a sad little symphony in the back seat. Misery loves company, don't you know. It was a sad, sad drive home.

As I got everyone home and tucked into bed, I couldn't help to feel sorry for these two small emotional beings. Jenna has her Pooh bear and Jordan has a whole herd of My Little Ponies that provide comfort for them. Will these "lovies", as my great grandmother used to call such things, be enough to sustain them through a whole year of deployment? What will I do if they aren't? I can't bake my way through the stress. He won't recognize us when he gets back!

Yes....those are Spiderman sheets

This is Jenna "at the Army". She HAD to see what it felt like. She is so cute.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Accident Update

Just a quick note, everyone is out of the hospital and is fine. CELEBRATE!!! Overall, the injuries were minor. Most everyone is banged up pretty bad. One soldier has a broken collar bone and another had a suspected spinal injury, but has been discharged and is up and walking around. Several others have sprained ankels, wrists, the list goes on. Crutches and arm slings abound. All are continuing medical treatment but are fine.

God is good.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Military Danger

I love being a military wife. The Army has provided a little extra money this past year with Joe being unemployed. Granted, National Guardsmen do not make enough for their one weekend a month, two weekends a year, to put a dent in any serious bills, but these folks do not do it for the money. They do it for their personal beliefs and love of country.

When I loaned my husband to the Army I had one stipulation. They are to return him in the same condition in which I loaned him out. The Army has let me down.

I never really worried about his safety, until the bus my husband's unit was on flipped in transit from training. My boss is the one that actually saw the news broadcast and called me in to confirm if they were referring to my husbands unit. (Click here for the story) All of a sudden the danger associated with being active duty hit me square in the heart. Now I have all these thoughts going through my head.

NOTE: This is where Jenna gets the Drama Queen from.

After the initial accident, I could not get ANYONE on the phone. The one person on the base that did answer the phone told me, of the soldiers that were transported to Shands Gainesville, where traumas were sent, my husband was not one of them. Sigh of relief. He's not seriously hurt. However, I still had no location on my husband. Then my thoughts turned to where he was. I switched from worried wife to Personnel Locator Extraordinaire. In this department, I'm borderline stalker.

Sidebar notation. I love the internet and it's immediate availability of information. I received every single bit of information I needed to locate my husband from the news media. Those glorious little nuggets of nosey fact finders have just earned a special place in my heart. I love breaking news alerts.

I phoned several hospitals, excluding Shands Gainesville. After all, I was told he was not there. I called all the numbers I had for his soldier buddies. As if they weren't doing anything else but waiting on my call. Then the little voice in my head said...."Call Gainesville". After ignoring that voice for a while and resolving it would not go away. I called. BINGO....I located my husband. He was in Gainesville, in the trauma unit. Super Powers activate.

I had the girls picked up from day care, babysitter arranged, dinner covered and was at the hospital at the speed of light. That reminds me, I need to wash my cape. Anyway, my arrival at the hospital was a relief. I knew where he was, just not how he was. As long as I knew his longitude and latitude I felt better.

His injuries were serious. His weapon banged him in the head hard enough to render him unconscious. His right side took a hard hit. He has badly bruised ribs and various pains. So they kept him over night for observation. Of course thoughts of the several celebrities that have passed away crept into my brain. After getting his blood sugars back to normal and an MRI, he was released the next day. Only one soldier is left in the hospital, out of the 25+ that were transported to the various medical facilities. I pray he will be 100% when he gets out.

We haven't completed training yet. One week to go. The entire group is on light duty but is expected to complete training on schedule. I didn't tell the girls that Daddy was hurt and I don't intend to. They have come to terms with his absence and being "at the Army". I do not want them associating military with injury. After everything, taking off my locator hat, my jaunt back from Gainesville, his discharge from the hospital, and his return to the base, where he was safe and sound, I cried. I cried because I was relieved the injuries sustained by my husband and the other soldiers were not life threatening. I cried because there was still a soldier in the hospital. I cried because had this been fatal, how would I handle this? What would I tell the children? I've not made any accommodations for a military related death.

Now I cry because we are only through the training and the jump over the pond is coming up. He is going to be in a foreign land, with foreign people, doing foreign things. I am scared. I met my husband later in life and have two beautiful girls by him. I am not ready for this part of my life to be over so soon. The girls have only been on Earth long enough to know him, but not understand how wonderful a husband, father, and soldier he really is.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Worth Fighting For

Kids and Cursing

OK funny story. This happened a few months ago, but the ramifications of it resurfaced this morning on the way to daycare.

We all have these moments of "OOPS". Some of mine are harmless, others are not. Most of mine involve my mouth. Those of you who know me, well or at all, have probably been subject to my mouth at one point to another. Some things that escape the safety of my lips sting, other things cause eye rolling from the intended recipient, other stuff reminds me I live with tiny sponges and I need to watch it.

The good thing about the relationship between me and my mouth is that I understand it. I have no problem apologizing for stuff I say. I can't help that I blurt. My husband tells me I am missing the filter between my brain and my tongue. Most people have sits on the brain stem and is very predominate. Not me. I have come to terms that I was born with this birth defect and move on. Thank God I have found the only man on Earth blessed with the patience to handle me. Remind me to tell you the story about a cell phone that kept going off in a movie we went to. God made a very smart move when he blessed me with a generous, very patient and very large husband.

I talk to traffic. It is a well documented fact that everyone I share the road with needs remedial driving lessons. They drive me nuts. There is a list of driving behaviors I have had to curb since the girls came along. The list includes, but is not limited to: No longer can I wave Hello with the international sign of peace involving my middle finger. Sticking my tongue out is not acceptable. Shouting at the car in front of me to go faster sets a bad example of how to get along in the world. Pounding on the steering wheel teaches aggression.

Here's my OOPS Moment. We were in the family room watching TV. Joe sometimes forgets he's an adult and he will pick at the kids. This particular day, Jenna was sitting on the couch next to him. They were snuggling, having Daddy Daughter time. Well, I guess he got bored with TV and begin poking Jenna in the side and/or in the arm. Repeatedly. Each time she would say "Stop Daddy", "Daddy, quit", etc. After about ten minutes of warnings, she looked at him square in the eye, pursed her lips and said "Daddy you are p_____ing me off". That split second I didn't know how to feel. Was I embarrassed? I knew she had learned that from me. Was I horrified? How could my little angel use such language? Was I proud? I mean after all, she used the word correctly and executed it with military precision.

I went with embarrassed, horrified and added disappointment in myself. I know she got this word from my driving. (If the other drivers would just take those remedial classes my life would be so much easier). If she can use this language at home....she will use it in front of others. This is where the horrified came into play. She used this word in front of my mother.

We were in the car, of course, and I was telling my mother about someone or something I had issues with. I can not go into details of that, because quite frankly, there are so many issues I have, it would be hard to choose. Anywho, I was talking, just rambling to Mom, in the car, and I paused to breathe. From the back seat Jenna interjects "Because it p___ed you off?"

This morning, after I dropped Justin off at High School, this car sped up and cut me off. Well, my lack of filter kicked in. Jenna repeats what I said. "He's a jacka___?"

That did it. I'm hiring a driver and buying duct tape, for myself, in bulk. I'm getting better. We point out to Jenna when she uses Mommy words, they they are wrong and why, but we do not make a big deal out of it. I don't want to teach her those words will generate attention. She is our resident Drama Queen. I know I'm supposed to lead by example and I am trying. The last thing I need is her talking like a Merchant Marine. She's only Four!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Kudos to my MIL and Friends

MIL is not short for Military! It's texting slang for Mother in Law. I am fortunate to have two beautiful ladies in my life. Hold your mother in law jokes, I do not find them funny. Well, most of them anyway!

This past year has been crazy. We have been through periods of feast and famine. I thank God that our family has the support system it does. Not only are we blessed with ample MIL's, we have friends and extended family that have come to our aid on more then one occasion. I have never been the strong religious type. I do believe in God. My belief has been strengthened since I've met and married my husband. He is strong, beautiful, courageous and comes from a generous and loving family.

Joe's Mom, Camp Grammy as we affectionately call her, will have Jenna over for the weekend. Jenna especially loves it when her Auntie comes to town and she can spend the weekend with Grammy, Auntie and her cousins. As soon as Jordan crosses the finish line of potty training, she will be able to go. It is a huge sigh of relief to have one of the two race cars out of the house. I believe you can throw money at a situation all day, but time is priceless. It is an infinite resource and worth much more then its weight in gold.

There have been times when I am standing in front of the freezer, hoping something will materialize for dinner. Our deposit does not hit for another few days and we can not stand another night of pancakes and eggs. Then the phone rings. I have a friend on the way over with two bags of leg quarters because they were on sale, and she thought of me. This is in addition to the pork her husband smoked over the weekend that she is sharing with us. This same friend, just last night, brought me 25pounds of flour. It was surplus from Christmas baking and they only used 5 cups from this huge bag. When in we are in need, we receive blessings from the most unexpected places. I have never been happier over a bag of flour.

Last week, some new friends of ours, invited the kids and I to dinner. I was having a particularly crazy day. The girls were up at an ungodly hour and have run me all day long. No naps, if you have been reading my blogs, you get the picture. As the phone was ringing, I was trying to set it ablaze with my stares. I hate the telephone. It is an awful contraption. I did not want to talk to another bill collector on top of everything else. But it was a dinner invitation. YAY!!! I love dinner invites. LOVE THEM. I get to spend a very needed night away from the house, with friends, whom I miss, girls get a play date and they can concentrate on someone else for a change, and there's food. I love food I don't have to prepare..don't you?

Thoughtful blessings from friends and gifts of time from family are immeasurable. I will never be able to repay what we have received. I wouldn't know how to begin to show the gratitude I feel. But I can bake. So, now that I am outfitted with flour, the girls and I will be spending this weekend knee deep in butter and sugar. We have thank yous to get out. The biggest decision is what to make.

Paperwork Paperwork...deliver me from thee

So here we are on the cusp of mortgage loan modification.

When Joe lost his job at Merrill Lynch in January 2009, we took a huge financial hit. He held a position as an analyst for seven years. We both had steady income, paid our bills, went places and did things. We were on the corporate ladder with nothing but the beautiful sky above us. Then the clouds rolled in and rained all over our parade. I was on the phone, within the hour of Joey losing his job, with our mortgage company. That's what you are supposed to do....right? No good. A complete exercise in futility. We were not delinquent on our loan so they saw no immediate need. I phoned and phoned and phoned and phoned doing what I could to divert the imminent crisis. As expected, the day came where we had to choose between lights, groceries on the table, and paying the mortgage. Lights and food win every month.

We had purchased our first home, just minutes, NO JOKE...MINUTES, before the economy tanked. We had just celebrated the first year in our home. Then property values plummeted, unemployment was rising, and we became a statistic. I thought owning a home was fun and I would be spending my first year or so buying new furniture, painting and erasing any signs of the previous owners. Instead, I am busy trying to keep our home. If you want to make God laugh..tell him your plans. (quote from a country song, can't remember which one)

We are buried in paperwork. How many times do they need to know our current financial picture? Like every other swimmer in the statistic pool, nothing much has changed. Like most households (I assume), I, the wife, manage our money. I'm used to Joey being here to bounce things off of him and having him available when I need him. Not the case when he is sequestered in training for deployment. This is on the very long list of things I've had to learn to handle by myself. I do not like managing money.

I have yet another set of financial paperwork to fill out and submit. They want it faxed and mailed. Are they trying to catch me in a lie? You know.....when you have a suspect in custody, you ask them the same question, over and over, just reword it each time, to see if they slip up. Yeah, I am familiar with it, I have kids. Being a former USMC MP has prepared me for motherhood, minus the side arm.

Now we have received a demand package from an attorney. Apparently this is the first step in foreclosure. We love this house, the neighborhood and my teen-ager finally has friends. I called the attorney and the worker on the other end did acknowledge the foreclosure is on hold. I guess that could be the silver lining. Another silver long as he is deployed and on an active status, we can not be evicted. The sailors and servicemans act. Get to know it.

I fill out another set of documents and fax, snail mail, and carrier pigeon over more data. However, this time our financial picture has improved. Maybe this is what they are hoping for. Maybe, this is the submission that will land us that modification package to sign. I feel giddy just thinking about it. Then I go to the mail box, and there's an envelope from Wells Fargo. I am excited with anticipation. I open the envelope and my hearts falls to the pavement in front of the mailbox. It's paperwork, but not the kind I want. They want more data.

As I navigate the waters of the loan modification ocean, I am doing what I can to keep my family afloat. I refuse to let us drown. I will prevail. The economy may take victims, but not us. We will win this one....I have faith.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


While dating my husband, never, ever in my wildest dreams did I think to ask him...."So...what time do the children in your family rise every morning, so I can be prepared?" Of all the questions geared towards eliminating possible duds, this one should be at the very top. Jobs can be gotten, cars can be bought, and security can be found in a variety of conduits. However, 5:00 a.m. is 5:00 a.m. and love for children is at its weakest that early. I'm thankful that the 5:00 a.m. days are not frequent. They usually are up at 7:30 a.m. which I am OK with.

Early risers make a long day. However, sometimes they start out really good. The littlest one, on two consecutive mornings, came in and nuzzled. She put her head on my shoulder, we were eye to eye, she gently patted my cheek and said "I love you". I couldn't have been more elated. Then, after that five minutes was over....all hell broke loose. Our other daughter comes bouncing in. She gets in the bed with me and her sister, and I, Mom Supreme, believe if I can get them to lay down and be still for 5 minutes, they will go back to sleep. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Is it too early for tequila? So now I have three in the bed and the little one says, roll over, roll over...forgive me as I digress to nursery rhymes.

I look forward to nap time these days. Every activity revolves around what happens at noon. I have a half time, a time to look forward to and strive for. On these days, I don't have time to brush my teeth. It seems that the earlier they get up, the faster and louder they are. SSSOOO Noon is a gift from Heaven. But not this day. Today, I get no nap. It is inevitable, if one goes down, the other does not. Even if in their rooms, unless they are asleep, I am unable to lay down myself. So I beg and plead, I threaten, I try every tactic I can find to get them to sleep, to no avail. So I sit and wait. I listen to the singing, the bouncing, the talking, the rolling around. Then out of nowhere, it's quiet. It sneaks up on me. I think, holy cow, it's long has it been quiet. I am wasting precious minutes sitting here, when I could be sleeping. So, I crack open the door to peek in.............and I see white....everywhere, now I have to add Baby Powder and/or diaper creme to my shopping list.

I know, I know, be thankful I have kids, One day this will be funny, they are only little once. Once is enough. I'm tired and the little people in my house are fast moving and low to the ground. They expect me to keep up and will accept nothing less.

I'm exhausted. Since I am prone to ramble when I'm tired, I'll go to bed. Eventually. It's 10:30 p.m. I still have my work clothes to wash, food to put away, my bed linens to change, and a coffee pot to set up. AAAHHHH Coffee!!!! Let the morning begin!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Time Lapse

Boy time flies when you're having fun. That is no joke. These past 2 weeks has been insane!! I've had a Pampered Chef party and have been recruited as a consultant. Joey was able to come home and visit a couple times. Once for 3 days the other for a few hours. It was nice to have him home. It was interesting to see how the girls are reacting so differently to Joe's absence. Jenna, Daddy's girl and our resident Drama Queen, seems to understand what is happening. I thought for sure she would be the one having paigns of despair. Jenna and I have conversations in the car, to and from daycare. She is super inquisitive and asks endless questions about Daddy being gone. It's like she's trying to get a grasp on it. She asks where he is (repeatedly) and she receives my standard answer "at the Army". She wants to know why and I try once again to explain the bad people in the world. However, the other day I came to the conclusion I try to explain things way to in depth. We were going through the Army Talk Ritual in the car and when the Why question came up, I paused to take in as much air as I could for the answer I was about to give, and she blurted out, "Because the Army needs him?" I said yes and that settled it. No more questions in the car. She has even taken to make her little sister feel better about it. Jenna has surprised me these past two weeks with just how nurturing she can be.

Jordan, our baby, seems to be suffering through some kind of seperation anxiety. She cries for her Daddy and wants kisses. She misses being tucked in by him. Joey has long tucked in the girls. Not that I didn't want to do it...they insisted on Daddy doing it. Jordy (nickname bestowed on her by the kids at daycare) comes in the bedroom in the AM looking for her morning kisses and cuddles and finds me instead. She turns around (I'm trying not to take it personal), leaves and heads towards the TV. I wake up to cries of frustration because she has yet to master the TV and DVD player. With Jordy only being 2 it's hard for her to grasp why Daddy is not here. She seems to adjust after a few days and it gets easier for her. Jenna is helping the best a 4 year old can. She tells her little sister "It's OK baby, Daddy will be home soon, he's at the Army". My heart sinks.

SO what's new? I have come to the realization I do not have the stamina I used to. When Justin was 2 and 3 years old, I was in my early 20's. We would go and visit and do stuff. I don't remember being this tired all the time. I am having to learn to do stuff all by myself. I found a new blog about slow cooker dinners. I've posted it in the sites I follow. I figure if I can master the slow cooker like the sites author, Stephanie, has then that may satisfy my need for a personal chef. In order to maintain some similance of sanity, I am toying with the idea of getting help around the house. I figure with the slow cooker and help with housekeeping maybe I can divert my energies toward the kids.

Joey will be home again mid Feburary for about 6 weeks, give or take, then he jumps the pond for a year. I need to get organized.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Gramma Always Said....

You can either have a happy house....or a clean one....Let me tell you..we are very happy around here. If anything, this past week has changed my point of view on a few things. It's ok if shoes are in the living room a day or two. This falls under the category of picking your battles and making a conscience decision to be relaxed.

My Justin has been sick for the last couple days. He has complaints of his head hurting and stomach ache. Sleeping alot and eating little. He has a low grade fever. I don't like it when my babies feel bad. I am hoping it is only viral and it passes on its own. I asked what would make him feel better and he said double cheese burger, fries and a strawberry shake. Oh not have to worry about a waist line. It must have worked, he seems to be better today. He is actually out of bed and on the couch watching TV.

The Hub has only been gone just over a week and I am missing him really bad today. How am I going to pull through this deployment? I'm sure what I am feeling is just separation anxiety. There is a silver lining. Usually if feeling anxious I head to Home Depot and I haven't been to Home Depot yet. I can't help but to feel a visit is right around the corner. I go in there and feel like I can do anything. Home Depot also serves as a distraction, a coping mechanism if you will. I go in there and can spend hours looking around. The projects I pick usually take me a weekend to complete. One drill weekend Hubby came home to a new vanity in the hall bathroom. However, I did have to place a call to him because I couldn't get the water shut off to the house. A little emergency, a bunch of water, but that's another story for another day.

When he was in California for a month training, I completely redid the youngest daughters room. I painted the walls, painted the ceiling and trim, installed a new closet organizer system and moved furniture. I switched out the old light switches and electrical sockets with new ones. I am currently fighting the urge to paint our bedroom. It is Fugly yellow and depressing. I really need it to be relaxing and inviting. Well, that did it. I will be purchasing paint very soon.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week One - Complete

As a former United States Marine....USMC Military Police at that.... I have a pretty good grasp at being independent and resourceful. I am trained by the United States Government to be lean, mean and at the ready. I have exercised hand to hand combat and physical restraint techniques on men twice my size. I have learned to fire guns bigger then me and I have earned the Expert level in medals for my abilities. I have chased down runners, am comfortable to draw a weapon if I feel threatened and can exercise the various levels of deadly force if need be. I can even handle being in the throws of a physical altercation when trying to diffuse a domestic disagreement. So how is it two people under three feet get the better of me? What is it about people that are four and almost three that turn me into this withering pile of nerves and get the upper hand?

My husband was able to come home for two hours Sunday night. The unit was afforded some free time for those who did not need to make up any classes. It was a nice visit, brief but nice. The kids were able to get a tuck in at bed time, which of course comes with kisses and cuddles. It wasn't until he left that I truly began missing him.

All week long the family had been busy with gymnastics, boyscouts, dinner engagments at a friends house. So the week went by fairly quick. The weekend was the hardest, when I needed the most help. My house is still upside down. I'm not sure if it will ever be right side up! I am fortunate to be blessed with a teenager who gets the position we are in. I don't have to ask for him to load the dishwasher. He takes the initiative to clean the kitchen while I bathe the girls and get them tucked in. If there is laundry left in the machines, and there are always full machines, he rotates and folds. He keeps the garbage under control. He is a god send, my buddy, my friend. He is a good boy. Doing well in school and doesn't give me a bit of grief. I count my blessings and am very thankful.

Today I am at work and appreciate the quiet afforded me here. Today is the beginning of Week Two. Boy I can't wait to see what the small ones have in store for me this week.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Not a Fire Starter After All

After successfully having a fire all afternoon the other day.......I give inner pyromaniac is not cooperating today. I put shoes and jackets on the girls over their footie PJ's to help collect pine cones (they do anything for a promise of hot chocolate) I gather the best twigs my back yard has to offer. I gingerly lay pinecones with extreme care amongst the labyrinth of kindling. I place the perfect piece of firewood on top..not to small not too big. I light.... I MADE FIRE... I get so lasts all of 5 minutes.... I can get 10 minutes if I stand there and fan it. GGRRR

Sunday- Weekend One

I am feeling so lazy today. However, I have so much to do...laundry, floors, kitchen. My teenager is sick. Can one be hungover without actually drinking? When he goes to a friends house and I believe they stay up to play video games all night. I'm not convinced they eat. Which throws off his blood sugar and by Sunday he plummets. So, I'm pumping food and juice into him. He should be fine soon. My oldest daughter has learned how to work the TV and DVD player to watch her movies. It's amazing. How does a 4 year old catch onto the mariad of electronics and corresponding remotes? I mean she really understands how it all works. She has been exercising her newly found knowledge today. She's been changing movies for her little sister, almost 3, this this morning. Now she just needs to learn to wait until the movie is over to change it out. That's how the bickering starts!

The little one insists on sundresses year round. How can I explain to her that when it is in the twenties outside one can not wear a sundress. So we compromise and I put the dress on over warmer clothes. Today that's footie PJ's. I am beginning to slowly figure out you have to pick and choose your battles around here. We have to learn to get along if we are going to have a successful mission during my husbands deployment.

Well, I'll sign off for now....must to chores, referee skirmishes, and nurse a low blood sugar.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Night Five - First Weekend

We had a good day today. My Baby Girl covered her room in baby powder at 4 am, we had gymnastics at 9:30 am, followed by thrift store shopping and lunch. I tried to put everyone down for a nap but Jordan wasn't done decorating her room in powder. This time it was a doozey. I've posted a video. Good thing she is so cute ... she wouldn't get away with half the stuff she does :) .

I am not happy....I have a fire place and all this boy scout is at a friends house.....and the fire I started is a flippin joke. I have been starting fires almost my whole life. I have been camping with and without Girl Scouts from when I was old enough to go....why can't I start one in my fireplace AAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHH. Once I was reminded about pine cones and twigs...... I have had a fire ALL afternoon. A nice ending to an otherwise hectic day. Today is the first day I'm missing my hubby. I'm exhausted, the house is a mess, laundry is backed up and the girls have been busy all day long. I'm looking forward to sleep tonight. I'm going to bed leaving the house upside down. I'll turn it right tomorrow.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Just Getting Set up

OK my blog is up and running. I'm kinda excited about it. It will be interesting to see how this will help. Maybe, if nothing else, it will be a tool that my husband can use to keep up.....or catch up when he gets back. Well, it's late, I'm tired and the girls get up at 7:30 am. They really seem unconcerned how late I was up or what I was doing. As long as they get Dora the Explorer, sippy cup full of juice and breakfast (in that order), all is good in their world.

Night Four

Today was a great day. There is nothing better for the soul then spending an evening with great friends. Thank you Jen for thinking of us today.

Jenna is still trying to grasp what Daddy being at the Army means. After an hour conversation, she has summized Daddy is out protecting America against monsters. ...I let it lie at that. I didn't know how to explain bad people to her who exist only to harm others.

Night Three

Jordan learned what happens when a steeping cup of tea gets pulled of the counter and shaken. Scared her more then hurt her. It had been sitting for a few minutes and had time to cool a bit, but it was still warm enough to make a point. All she could do was cry and apologize..I felt so bad.. So the question of the night is..are kitchen counters truly kid proof-able?

Night Two

Girls have some kind of tummy virus..I will spare you the juicy details of what I'm dealing with. Gives new meaning to "midnight runs" at my house. No joke. I did not get to enjoy the middle of the bed..I don't think I was in bed long enough last night to enjoy any part of the bed. However, Jenna told me "It's not my fault's my butt's fault". LOL where do they get this stuff?

Night One

ok night are in bed.....joey left for his predeployment training....doors locked....alarm set... I don't like the still of the night. the TV is on, but it's not the same. BUT I get to sleep in the MIDDLE of the bed!!!!! WWWWOOOOOO HHHHHHOOOOOOOO