Tuesday, April 13, 2010

And Yeeeerrrrr Outta Here!!!!!!

Before I get started on my current tribulation, I have a cutie update. The girls dispense the cute faster then I can remember to write this stuff down. If batteries weren't so expensive I could keep a tape recorder going non stop.

My 3 year old, on the way home from gymnastics, informed me that her butt hurt. So, in an effort to keep her busy while we were trapped in the truck for the commute home, I asked a series of questions.

Jordan: My butt hurts!
Me: Why?
Jordan: It hurts.
Me: Did you fall on it?
Jordan: No.
Me: Does it itch?
Jordan: No.
Me: Did someone smack it?
Jordan: No.
Me: OK....I'm sorry. I'll take a look when we get home.
Jordan: Mom?
Me: Yes?
Jordan: Watching Dora will make my butt feel better.

Yup...that's my little master manipulator. Turns out, Dora is a cure for just about everything from Boo Boo's to Boredom.

This weekend was spent delivering my most special package to the Army. The road trip itself was uneventful. We reached our destination and checked into the hotel the Army recommended. This did not go well.

I am a picky traveler. One of my biggest issues is with hotels. They creep me out. I am way more particular then I need to be about stuff. I own that. However, when you check into a hotel and open the door to your assigned room, it should NOT smell like a wet dog that has bad foot odor, smoking a cigarette. Call me crazy, that's just how I feel about it. Every time one of those news journalism shows comes on TV, exposing hotels, Joey takes command of the remote and refuses to let me watch it. So, in an effort to keep my chin up, and not be difficult, we unloaded the truck. I wanted Joeys last few hours with us to be positive and upbeat. I really did.

An hour and a tantrum later, we pack the truck and move out. The longer I was in this room, the more I felt I needed a tetanus shot. Aside from the offensive odor, the furniture was caked with filth, I couldn't make myself get near the bed. It was like when you try to get the two positive sides of magnets to get near each other. It just wasn't happening. The property itself was in disrepair, cobwebs and exposed structure beams everywhere. The locals for a $5 fee can use the pool, which isn't an issue if they would leave their dogs home.

I raised such a ruckus in the hotel lobby, they did not give me any grief about leaving. (Joey sat in the truck) Quite frankly, I think they were glad to see me go. Sometimes being loud and abrasive has its' advantages. Folks like me do not take being told NO too lightly. Luckily, we found accommodations just right up the road at a national chain for the same room rate. I was in HEAVEN when we opened the door and lemony freshness filled my being.

I think my four year old is a Xerox Copy of me. During our stay over the weekend, the nasty place was in our path of travel to and from the Army Unit my husband is assigned to. My 4 year old would point it out every single time we passed it and comment on it. Poor Joey, he is now blessed with two of us to contend with!

Once we were settled in our new hotel , the rest of the weekend went very well. While Joey was at the unit doing Army stuff, the girls and I were left to our own devices. It was nice spending the day with them. We walked to the water and watched fish. We walked up and down docks and looked at boats. We walked up the roadside to look at the woods and streams. It was really nice! Jenna called it an adventure.

On Sunday it was time to go. After the Deployment Ceremony, we ate lunch, then took Joey to his room the Army put him up in. Yes, it was at the nasty place. However, this room was in way better shape then our original room. No matter, this place will always be equivalent to Joe's Apartment (it's a movie HILARIOUS). I delayed our leaving until the girls got a good final visit and a little rough housing. I needed them to be really tired for the ride home so they would sleep. Mission accomplished. No tears upon departure. Just snoozing all the way home.

The only real issue I had with the girls is when we got home. Jenna busted out a crying fit when she realized her Daddy was not there. It was like it hit her all at once. So I sat with her and cuddled for about 20 minutes, door wide open and the 3 year old darting back and forth in the room. Jenna was fine after that. She keeps confirming that Daddy is at the Army and the Army needs him.

We will be OK!!!

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