Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Time Flies

YAY!! Daddy is home from training. The girls couldn't be happier.

He has been home now for about a month. What a crazy flipping month this has been!! Between getting readjusted to Joe being home, the fear of Daddy leaving again and my new Pampered Chef venture, I haven't had time for anything extra.

Jenna (4) treated Joe's coming home as just another day. She is happy he is home and elated her kisses and cuddles at night have resumed. I am surprised her reaction was so uneventful. Her whole attitude was "Great Daddy is home...can I go outside?" Given her propensity for drama, I just expected her to be clingy. Not the case. Jordan (3) on the other hand is. If he goes out front for a smoke, she will stand at the door and whine until he comes back inside. She finds it unsettling if he runs to the store or she loses track of him for a minute.

While Joe was away for training, it was unusual for her to come in our room in the wee hours of the morning. Now he's home and it's a daily occurrence. She feels it necessary to check to make sure he is there. I don't mind the early visits and the crawl into bed, if she didn't to the fish out of water dance. If you have kids, you know what I am referring to. This morning Jordan came in for her judicially scheduled bed check. She likes to cuddle and talk to him about whatever a three year old can talk about. Lately, it's been about his missing hair.

This morning she expressed concern about the bad man and she didn't want him to leave for the Army. They discussed his leaving for a while. Joe reassured her that when he leaves for the Army he always comes back and that everything will be OK. I pray for that outcome. Jordan has mentioned the bad man on more then one occasion. I don't know how to explain bad men to a three year old.

We have hit the half way mark in his time home between training and leaving. The children are handling this well, so far. The baby seems more concerned about his leaving then her older sister does. Jenna seems to understand that the Army needs him and is OK with it. She is sharp as a tack. Jordan is my little mama, she nurtures the wounded and cuddles the sick. I worry that she will miss him immensely when he goes. It will be a challenge for me to keep them both busy enough to keep them distracted. I plan on getting a season pass to the zoo and I will be taking the girls camping for the first time as soon as it warms. It will go fast. I pray that the time will fly.